Ruang pembakaran adalah bagian yang sangat terpenting dalam sebuah mesin kendaraan bermotor berbahan bakar minyak (BBM). Karena, proses pembakaran merupakan sumber tenaga bagi kendaraan dan sempurna-tidaknya proses pembakaran sangat menentukan besar-kecilnya tenaga. Versi Bahasa Inggris : The combustion chamber is a very important part in a motor vehicle engine fuel oil (BBM). Because, the combustion process is a source of power for vehicles and perfect-combustion process is to determine whether large-small power.How to Clean crust in Machine Motor
Meski pabrikan sepeda motor atau mobil telah merancang produknya bertenaga besar, tidak sedikit kendaraan tersebut yang justru tidak bertenaga.
“Penyebab utamanyaadalah proses pembakaran di ruang bakar tidak sempurna karena ruang itu berkerak,” kata Farid Abdullah, mekanik Teratai Motor, Paku Jaya, Serpong, Tangerang, Ahad, 12 Juni 2011.
Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkannya. Kualitas bahan bakar yang buruk atau tingkat oktan yang rendah, banyaknya unsur parafin, sulfur, dan lain-lain. Selain itu, oli dan debu yang masuk ke ruang bakar juga menjadi penyebab ketidaksempurnaan pembakaran.
Karena itu, Farid menyarankan pemilik motor melakukan pencegahan. Selain itu, bersihkan ruang bakar secara rutin setiap kali motor telah menempuh jarak 10 ribu kilometer.
“Caranya gampang, setiap orang bisa melakukannya. Tapi bila ragu, bisa membawanya ke bengkel,” kata dia.
Lantas, seperti bagaimana cara pembersihan itu? Berikut tips dari Farid:
1.Lakukan pencegahan
Sebagai langkah antisipasi agar tidak terjadi kerak di ruang bakar, sebaiknya sering mengecek seal, klep, dan segera mengganti piston dan ring piston yang telah aus. Pasalnya, bila komponen itu bermasalah, oli akan merembes ke ruang bakar.
Oli tersebut akan ikut terbakar selama proses pembakaran. Selain menimbulkan asap pekat, juga menyisakan kerak di ruang bakar mesin.
Selain itu, saringan udara harus sering dibersihkan. Minimal tiga bulan sekali peranti itu harus dibersihkan. Bila sel-sel saringan telah aus, sebaiknya segera ganti. Sebab, bila itu terjadi, debu dari udara akan masuk ke saluran isap dan ikut masuk di ruang bakar.
“Pada saat proses pembakaran itulah, debu yang bercampur bahan bakar ikut terbakar dan menyisakan kerak,” tutur Farid.
Hal lain yang juga patut diperhatikan adalah mengganti oli secara rutin. Dengan begitu, ketika seal atau klep di mesin bermasalah, oli yang merembes masih berkategori bagus. Walhasil, akibat yang ditimbulkan pun tidak separah oli yang telah aus atau basi.
“Jangan lupa menggunakan bahan bakar yang sesuai dengan tingkat kompresi mesin atau yang beroktan tinggi, agar lebih aman,” saran Farid.
2. Bersihkan kerak dengan cairan pembersih
Saat ini jenis dan merek cairan pembersih kerak di ruang bakar telah banyak dijual di toko peralatan dan aksesori motor. Bentuknya dalam kaleng dengan sistem semprot (spray).
Cara penggunaannya juga cukup mudah. Namun, bila Anda ragu bisa membawa kendaraan kesayangan ke bengkel yang telah dikenal. Bila ingin melakukannya sendiri, berikut ini caranya:
Pertama, buka dahulu saluran dari filter udara ke karburator. Kemudian sempotkan cairan itu pada saluran intake.
Kedua, aktifkan mesin motor dengan starter elektrik atau engkol kemudian tarik tuas gas hingga angka putaran mesin (RPM) tinggi. Pada saat yang bersamaan, kembali semprotkan cairan pembersih ke mulut atau lubang karburator, tapi upayakan mesin motor tidak mati. Ulangi cara tersebut beberapa kali hingga mesin motor mati dan biarkan.
Ketiga, setelah mesin motor mati selama 10-20 menit, kembali aktifkan. Tarik tuas gas hingga kecepatan putaran mesin (RPM) sedang. Lihatlah apakah knalpot menyemburkan asap putih pekat? Bila iya, tarik terus tuas gas berkali-kali.
3. Pembersihan cara lain
Selain cara itu, Anda juga bisa mencoba cara lain seperti berikut. Pertama, panasi mesin motor hingga hangat. Kemudian, lepas busi dan semprotkan cairan ke lubang mesin melalui lubang busi. Setelah itu tunggu 10-20 menit.
Langkah selanjutnya, aktifkan atau starter kembali mesin motor dan tutup lubang busi dengan kain bersih dan sebisa mungkin pegangi kain tersebut agar tidak lepas. Kemudian, lihatlah adakah butiran-butiran kerak yang menempel di mesin? Atau adakah cairan?
Setelah itu, pasang kembali busi dan aktifkan mesin. Tariklah tuas gas kuat-kuat hingga beberapa kali. Perhatikan apakah ada asap putih mengepul dari knalpot? Bila iya, berarti kerak telah luruh atau mencair dan kembali ikut terbakar.
Although the motorcycle or car manufacturer has designed a powerful product, not least the vehicle which was not powered.
'Cause utamanyaadalah in the engine combustion process is not perfect because the space was crusty, "said Farid Abdullah, Lotus Motor mechanics, Paku Jaya, Tangerang, on Sunday, June 12, 2011.
There are several factors that cause it. Poor fuel quality or low octane levels, the number of elements of paraffin, sulfur, and others. In addition, oil and dust into the combustion chamber also causes burning imperfections.
Therefore, Farid suggested motorcycle owners to take reasonable precautions.Also, clean the combustion chamber on a regular basis every time the motor has traveled a distance of 10 thousand kilometers.
"The trick is easy, anyone can do it. But when in doubt, get him to the garage, "he said.
So, like how to clean it? Here are tips from Farid:
1.Lakukan prevention
As a precaution to prevent the crust in the combustion chamber, you should frequently check the seals, valves, and immediately replace piston and piston rings are worn. Because, if the component was problematic, the oil will seep into the combustion chamber.
Oil will be burned during the combustion process. In addition to causing dense smoke, also leaving a crust in the engine combustion chamber.
In addition, air filters should be cleaned frequently. Minimum of three months once the device had to be cleaned. When the filter cells have been worn, you should immediately change. Because, if that happens, the dust from the air will enter the suction channel and come inside the combustion chamber.
"At the time that the combustion process, dust is mixed with fuel to catch fire and leave the crust," said Farid.
It is also worthy of note is that changing the oil regularly. That way, when a seal or a valve in the engine problems, oil seeps are still categorized nice. As a result, the impact was not as bad as the oil that has been worn or stale.
"Do not forget to use the fuel in accordance with the compression rate or a high-octane machine, make it more secure," Farid advice.
2. Clean the crust with cleaning fluid
When this type and brand of cleaning fluid in the crust of the combustion chamber has been widely sold in hardware stores and bike accessories. Shaped in a can with a spray system (spray).
How to use it is also quite easy. However, if you hesitate to bring the vehicle to the workshop's pet that has been known. If you want to do it yourself, here is how:
First, open the first line of air filter to the carburetor. Then sempotkan fluid in the intake tract.
Second, turn the engine with electric starter and then pull the lever or crank up the gas engine rotation rate (RPM) high. At the same time, re-spray the cleaner into the mouth or opening of the carburetor, the engine but try not to die. Repeat several times until the engine and let it die.
Third, after the engine dies for 10-20 minutes, re-activate. Pull the lever until the gas engine rotation speed (RPM) is. See if the exhaust belching dense white smoke? If yes, continue to pull the lever of gas many times.
3. Cleaning other way
In addition to that, you could also try other ways as follows. First, heat the engine until warm. Then, remove the spark plug hole and spray fluid into the engine through the spark plug hole. After that, wait 10-20 minutes.
The next step, switch or starter motor and engine re-cap spark plug hole with a clean cloth and cling to the fabric as much as possible in order not to loose. Then, behold there granules crust stuck to the machine? Or is there a liquid?
After that, replace the spark plug and turn on the machine. Pull tight gas lever a few times. Notice if there is white smoke billowing from the tailpipe? If so, then the crust has been shed or re-melted and caught fire.
1 komentar:
Mantap Gan...thanks atas infonya
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