Trial of the Grand Crusader
Raid ini sudah berjalan dan beberapa scriptnya udah dibenerin jadi menurut gw bukan lagi raid yang bisa sembarang cari ppl dengan cara inspect2 depan bank, karena TotC yang kita kenal dulu itu udah beda sama yang skarang. Rata2 skill dan phase-phasenya bossnya udah berjalan seperti di official. TotC yang dulu Icehowlnya cuman nongkrong di deket pintu gede, gebukin TB trus pantatnya dihajar sama DPS. Skarang? Icehowlnya lari-lari, lompat-lompat, nabrak-nabrak. Gw akuin karena gw ga terlalu berpengalaman, menurut gw TotC 25H lebih susah daripada ICC 25. Seru ga? nyok mulai.
A. Cari PPL:
Kalo lo berencana buat nylesain raid ini, bikin iklan di channel yang tegas ( ga terima billing abis, ga terima net mau tutup, ga terima mau nganterin adek, ga terima mau jemput mama, intinya ga nerima bocah mental tempe yang di gertak langsung main SARA).
B. Inspect Equip:
Pasti lo sering banget kan liat di channel orang-orang nyari PPL ICC 25 mininal equip 232++ usahain cari ppl yang niat. equip ato item level jangan dijadikan prioritas, namun hal itu juga penting, tapi ini raid bukan DPS race. First try TotC 25H gw bareng ppl ICC 25, equip imba2! Tapi karena ga berpengalaman kita wipe beberapa kali dan karena itu jam 2 pagi semua orang mulai capek dan akhirnya kita bubar.
C. Memulai encounter:
Sebelum memulai raidnya, pastikan semua anggota raid sudah dikasih buff lengkap, kalo perlu pake buff scroll, flask, well fed dan pot-pot alchemy lainya. Jangan lupa brief apa yang kalian tau mengenai encounter bossnya dan juga penganturan posisi anggota raidnya. Setelah Buff and Brief raid sudah bisa dimulai.
1. Northrend Beasts:
Phase pertama dari challange northrend beasts. TB mulai aggro gormok dan bawa dia ke tengah2 ruangan. Rdps semua menyatu supaya healernya ngga susah juga nyari posisinya, atau posisi Rdps dan healer mengelilingi Gormok. Mdps berposisi di samping kanan ato kiri badan Gormok.
1. Northrend Beasts:
Phase 1:
Phase pertama dari challange northrend beasts. TB mulai aggro gormok dan bawa dia ke tengah2 ruangan. Rdps semua menyatu supaya healernya ngga susah juga nyari posisinya, atau posisi Rdps dan healer mengelilingi Gormok. Mdps berposisi di samping kanan ato kiri badan Gormok.
Melee swings for ~8,000 in 10 man and ~12,000 in 25 man, on an appropriately geared tank.
Impale - Inflicts 3,938 to 5,062 Physical damage per application every 2 seconds, for 45 seconds.
Inflicts 11,700 to 12,300 Physical damage to all enemies within 15 yards and interrupts spellcasting for 8 seconds.
Rising Anger - Increases all damage dealt by 15%. Applied every time Gormok throws a Snobold.
**Snobolds - Throws a Snobold Vassal at a random player. Gormok has 5 Snobolds to throw. They will use the following abilities at their target (who will receive Snobolled! debuff) and other players nearby:
Batter - Inflicts 75% of normal melee damage, interrupting spellcasting for 5 seconds.
Fire Bomb - Inflicts 4,813 to 6,187 Fire damage every 1 second to all enemies within 8 yards of the target.
Head Crack - Stuns an enemy for 2 sec.
Impale - Inflicts 3,938 to 5,062 Physical damage per application every 2 seconds, for 45 seconds.
Inflicts 11,700 to 12,300 Physical damage to all enemies within 15 yards and interrupts spellcasting for 8 seconds.
Rising Anger - Increases all damage dealt by 15%. Applied every time Gormok throws a Snobold.
**Snobolds - Throws a Snobold Vassal at a random player. Gormok has 5 Snobolds to throw. They will use the following abilities at their target (who will receive Snobolled! debuff) and other players nearby:
Batter - Inflicts 75% of normal melee damage, interrupting spellcasting for 5 seconds.
Fire Bomb - Inflicts 4,813 to 6,187 Fire damage every 1 second to all enemies within 8 yards of the target.
Head Crack - Stuns an enemy for 2 sec.
Raid Positioning
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